Requirements for execution
Materials to No. 3 of Scientific Electronic Journal
(Category "B") are accepted until March 31, 2025.
General requirements:
- Editorial staff of Legal Scientific Electronic Journal posts authors’ articles at the official website –;
- Articles in Ukrainian and English are adopted to the journal;
- Articles must correspond to requirements about professional editorials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and to requirements of Juridical scientific and electronic journal about articles execution;
- Editorial staff is authorized to performance the scientific and literary editing ;
- Editorial staff reserves a right for articles declining which don’t correspond to the established requirements or to journal thematic;
- For a week after article sending, editorial staff sends by mail authenticated with the seal and signed by the head editor certificate about publication adoption of the article for the journal.
- Students' of I, II and III levels of higher educationarticles are submitted in co-authorship with the supervisor or with the signed written consent (review) of the supervisor for publication.
- No more than two articles are accepted in one issue from one author (one - single, one - co-authored)
Academic integrity
The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company
Chapters of journal:
- Theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal disciplines;
- Constitutional Law; Municipal Law;
- Civil Law and Civil Process; Family Law; International Private Law;
- Commercial Law, Commercial and Procedural Law;
- Labour Law; Right of Social Security
- Land Law, Agrarian Law, Ecological Law, Natural Resources Law;
- Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law; Informational Law;
- Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminally-Executive Law;
- Criminal Process and Criminology; Forensic Enquiry; Operative Investigational Activity;
- Court Organization; Prosecution Office; Advocacy;
- International Law;
- Law Philosophy
Requirements and order of articles sending:
For consideration of question about publication in No. 3, 2025 it’s necessary to fill the application at the journals’ website and send to email Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. before March 31, 2025 such:
- Article (file name – Shevchenko_article);
- Scan of check about article publication payment (file name – Shevchenko_payment).
Article publication costs 1800 UAH. If the amount of work exceeds the specified, the cost of the additional page is 30 UAH.
The editorial staff carries out an internal anonymous review of the articles and a check for plagiarism after which the authors receive requisites for payment of the publication fee.
The electronic version of the magazine will be posted on the website until April 30, 2025.
Requirements of article execution:
- The general article volume is 10-15 p. Font: Times New Roman; size 14, spacing – 1,5.
- At the article beginning it’s necessary to note UDC, authors’ data (full name, place of work) and the title of the article in two languages (in article language and in English).
- After title of article, it’s given summaries in two language (Ukrainian and English) and keywords for them (up to ten words or phrases).
- English and Ukrainian annotation must contain at least 1800 characters (250-300 words).
- List of used sources must be at the end of article according to the order of links appearing. When completing the list of literature, the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and Documentation" developed in 2015 should be followed. Bibliographic link. General terms and conditions of drafting".
Prohibition of using scientific works of the occupying country
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
- The links to the used sources must be noted with ordinal number which is outlined with two square brackets according to the list of sources (The position of the quoted edition in the list of references, the page, for example, [16, with. 17]). List of literature is executed under the name „Literature”